Satellite Phone vs Cell Phone – which do I need?

If you are an average person who does a little infrequent traveling and just needs to stay connected, then a cell phone might be enough for you. However, if you are an adventurer, world traveler, prepper, fisherman, or relief worker, then you might need to upgrade to a satellite phone.

In today’s connected world, cell phone coverage has increased to cover almost the entire planet; but you still need to be within a certain range of the local cell phone tower in order to have a clear signal. In some cases, a cell phone signal booster might be enough to give you that little bit extra breathing room and keep your call from dropping. But in other cases, you just can’t afford to risk not having a signal. In these situations, having a satellite phone can give the peace of mind needed to enjoy your leisure time, or keep you connected for emergencies.

It’s no longer just the traveler to remote areas that can benefit from a satellite phone. In a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or hurricane, there is likely to be a prolonged disruption to local cell phone service – think about Hurricane Katrina in 2005, or the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. Both of those situations meant there was no local cell phone service for the victims or the relief workers. Satellite phones are critical in times like these.  This is why satellite phones are becoming very popular with “preppers” – those who are preparing for local or widespread disasters. Having access to a satellite phone and reliable service can save lives and give peace of mind.

On a lighter note, charter boats and fishermen who move offshore, beyond the reach of cell phone towers, have long used satellite phones to keep themselves connected to shore. Hikers and backpackers who like to go off-trail for days on end also benefit from having reliable service in the wilderness. Traveling to remote areas on the planet means moving from one cellular provider to another, and not all cell phones support international roaming. In many areas of the world, there just isn’t any cell phone coverage available at all. In these situations as well, a satellite phone can be a reliable means of communication without interruption.

Doing your homework ahead of time can mean the difference in having access to the service you need when you need it, at a price you can afford. Many satellite phone service providers even have rental options for those times when you don’t want a long-term contract – such as that bucket-list trip you’ve always wanted to take.

For those of you who’ve used a satellite phone – we’d love for you to sound off below – where did you find a satellite phone useful where a cell phone just wouldn’t do?